We Strive to enhance women legal Rights through empowerment of women in all the aspects of economic, social, education, political participation and cultural aspects.
Based on the analysis of the current situation and the experience gained in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), INTERSOS intends to extend its protection programme in partnership with Sewan for Wom
Sewan is running a Women Social Center in Essian IDP's camp to provide psycho-social support to GBV cases of women and young girls within IDPs through many activities- the project fund through UNFP
Distribution of non-food items (clothes, shoes) on children in Sewan Child Friendly Space-Nergizlye IDP camp/ Fund from Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation
Distribution of non-food items (clothes, shoes) on children in Sewan Child Friendly Space-Nergizlye IDP camp/ Fund from Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation