May 10, 2017

Final updated – Child Protection Report

Provision of child protection services to conflict affected boys and girls through CFS and mobile teams in Nergizlye IDP camp – Shekhan District – Ninewa Governorate ” funded by UNICEF    


Final update – Child Protection Report


Reporting period: from   25 / 01/ 2017  to  30/ 04 / 2017

Significant achievements and impact (what significant coordination, referrals of children to specialized services, community events including

After the agreement, between Sewan Women’s Empowerment and UNICEF, sewan could recruit and allocate staff for all posts that is in the project, according to Sewan admin policy and human resources procedures, the posts that we have:

One Project manager/coordinator       Male

Two Social Workers.                          Female

Seven Psycho-social Animators         Female Six  and   Mal   One

One Mini-van with driver                   Male


In coordination with BoRHA and Nergizlye camp management, we could arrange LAND for CFS, and from second week of February, we had an agreement with contractor to prepare land, fencing and setting up tents. As well we received 4TENTs, six Recreational, Six Educational Kits and other materials from UNICEF…

At the begening and before preparing CFS both teams did work as mobile teams in the Nergzliye 1 camp, conducting home visits to provide psycho-social first Aid PFA and conducting sessions on child protection and child rights for parents, as well to register children to be at CFS. And during family sessions the teams explained and introduce CFS activities to the parents…

Both Sewan teams conducted outdoor activities for the children such as; Playing traditional Games, songs and sport activities.

On 19th of February 2017 the CFS handed over to Sewan and the team started using the space that consist of THREE tents 42M2 ech with a free space 68 M2 for outdoor activities.

Sewan staff started activities in Child friendly space in Nergizlye1 IDP camp in three shifts, Morning shifts 9:00 to 11:00 and 11: to 01:00 afternoon, allocated for the children 5 – 13 years old in superating them according to age in three CFS tents. All the staff are using documents and recoreds, they have weekly and daily plans for the activities according to the children age.


CFS team in coordination with project coordinator had plans for the activities in CFS according to a ge groups.

The mobile team had activities in NAWARAN and Nergizlye  villages in coordination with Mokhtar, providing psycho-social first Aids PFA, parent sessions, awareness raising seminars and children activities in mentioned villages.

During the project period many new IDPs arrived to the camp, they been hosted in Nergizlye 2 IDP camp. That made Sewan mobile team to focas on new IDPs in the camp. T provide PFA and to conduct child activities..

The main activitites that both teams could undertake:

  • Providing PFA to children, men and women through home visits, family and public sessions.
  • Awareness raising seminars and sessions to parents focusing on child protection, child rights, early marriage and other child related issues such as health awareness.
  • Providing psycho-social support PSS to conflict effected children through child friendly spase and out door activities.
  • Identification children with special needs and referring to other services providers
  • Identification of separated and unacompanened children, and referring to other organization.
  • Undertaking case management by Sewan social workers.


Training that Sewan staff did participate in:

  • Sewan mobile teams had one day follow up workshop lead by TRINA from UNICEF…
  • The staff of the project participate in all the training conducted by Save the Children in coordination with UNICEF on case management, PFA, child protection, data management and child protection.


Bothe teams during the project period could distribute non-food items NFI that was donate from Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation BHHF:

-Number of Children got clothes:                  650

-Number of children got shoes:                      328

-Number of children got Towels:                    378

-Number of children got crutches:                  38

-Number of children got hygiene kits:             46


Challenges and gaps (what challenges are faced when implementing the program activities, what actions were taken to overcome these obstacles)

The main challenge that we did face was the weather, that we could not start setting up CFS and the TENTs, as well that was affecting the out door activities and at the same time effecting the access of children to CFS.

Big numbers of children and we have just one space made difficulty for the team to focus on more vulnerable children, all the children in the camp need psycho-social support, all want to be in CFS to engage other children and to play with.

The new arrival and the needs to PFA and PSS for children was another dificality that mobile team couldn’t reach all new arrival…




A list bellow is the numbers of children, parents and adults covered by both Sewan teams:



Accumulative achievement up to now


#girls / boys / women / men who have received  PFA

Total          : 2243

Female       : 1298

Male          : 945 

That is done through home visits, specialy to new arivels.

# of girls and boys participating in structured and sustained PSS programmes.

Total          : 2731

Female       : 1321

Male          : 1410 


# of separated and unaccompanied girls and boys identified, documented and referred for necessary assistance.

Total          : 67

Female       : 29

Male          : 38


#of girls and boys at risk identified and referred to specialized services.

Total          : 26

Female       : 12

Male          : 14

They are Children with disabilities

# Of women and men participating in awareness raising activities on CP issues.

Total          : 1124

Female       : 751

Male          : 373