Group of Orphan children
In Alqosh sub-District – Tilkef District – Ninawa,
A group of 11 orphanage IDP children between ages of three to 13 years old (7 girls and 4 boys) are adopted by Mar Yusif Church in Alqosh city….
The orphanage children all are the victim of ISIS conflicts in Ninawa areas, and all are Christian been IDPs from Ninawa Christian villages and cities. They lost their parents and family members during occupation of ISIS to their villages and they are all became unaccompanied children.
Sewan protection teams did visit the children to assess their needs on October 24th. That was in coordination with Priest Yusif that he is responsible for the mentioned children…..
On October 30th Sewan protection team had another visit to the children taking with them, Toys, shoes, clothes, shampoo, teeth brush and past, soap that Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation BHHF provide Sewan with.
The children became very happy with the materials that Sewan staff provides to them.
Girl 9 years old said “I am so happy that I can play with my friends through the toys that we all have now” that made Sewan more interesting to have more services and to have more distribution on the mentioned children…
Boy 11 years old said “I see myself more protect, because I have enough clothes for winter and I have very nice shoes”
All the children were talking about the hygiene material and they said they can wash their teeth every day. As well they will be more confortable because they have enough materials and clothes….
Pries Yusif as well have more thanks to Sewan and Bring Hops that they respond to his advocacy to provide non-food materials to the orphanage children that he is responsible for….
Pries Yusif “Your visit and the material that you distribute have many forms of positive impacts on the children”
Rejwan Baya
Social worker – Sewan org