Blog Post
November 15, 2017

Case story

I am only a child …I shouldn't be hungry

War is waged by adults but it's the children who suffer the most, violence and suffering have not only scared their past, they are shaping their future.

Children are unable to comprehend what is happening around them but they can notice their need to food when they don't have the enough energy to play.
There are a lot of extremely under weight children and adults arriving in the camps once they are out of the city , the adults soon gain weight, but not the babies, many Iraqi mothers don't breastfeed and who do usually stop after two to three months , conditions in the camps combined with stress and exhaustion , make breast feeding even harder.

In IDP camps such like Nargezlia camp, many children are under weight due to poor access to food.

Mohamed Abdul Karim, a seven years old kid from Mosel, who has arrived to Nargezlia Camp lately, said : "We have been hungry for many days" He said that sadly and he was looking like a kid of 5 years old with a very skinny body.

Other girls and at the same situation, Sara/
"She always pick up things from the ground and eat them, she eats strange things" Sara's grandmother continued: "the doctor told us that she had anemia and micronutrient deficiency"
Sara, a nine years old girl, who has arrived two weeks ago in Nargezlia Camp with her family , was so skinny and calm .
In addition to micronutrient deficiency many children are under weight in Nargezlia Camp and all the villages around it like "Kees Calaa " and " Shefshirine" .
Sewan mobile team with the aid of " Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation " moved out and reached to those kids and distributed energy dense -vitamin- mineral enriched foods that were originally designed to treat severe acute Malnutrition .

Tamadhur Ali Haider , a five years old girl from Shefshirine village , who has came back to her originally village with her big family after the war stopped and she was so happy holding what we have given her like it was something so precious to her.
"Thank you" Tamadhur said with a shy smile on her face.
There were about 144 kids from Kees Calaa who have been supplied with this vitamin-mineral enriched food which has been sent by " Bring Hope" and It was their hope to start a new healthy life away from Malnutrition.

Lamyaa Shamuel Azirya
Psycho-social Animator
Sewan Women's Empowerment Organization